Pan Theater

(Katie, Jeff and Rachel Pan - 2011)


1) What was the obstacle that would have kept you from taking IFH?


2) What did you find as a result of taking IFH?

I was able to experience myself..

3) What did you like most about IFH?

The ability to be utterly myself. I felt like I got the green light to be completely myself.

4) What other benefits did you get out of taking IFH?

No one can lose by taking this class.

5) Would you recommend IFH? If so, why?


I had a lot of fun, I enjoyed the teacher, people and environment they all created, I loved the improv format and I learned new acting techniques that I can use in any future theater I do--David is a very knowledgeable and patient acting teacher and you learn through do-ing.

6) Anything else about the class, or you?

I am staying in Oakland. I am originally from Ethiopia but have lived in the us for 20 plus years. I work in distribution as a sourcing manager. The improve class has improved how I express my ideas and desires (my desire for a competitive price for example 😀).   Thanks David!

Improv from the Heart