Improv - Blog
These are articles written by Pan performers, instructors, students and alumni over the years. Plus one or two posts - reposted with permission.
Please feel free to repost as long as you maintain a link to the original article and Pan Theater website in the reposting.
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Newest Article:
From Homeless to New Hampshire with Improv
The Basics
Rules of Improv
1. Accepting and Acceptance a guide for the improv actor - how to
2. Acting Class San Francisco Bay
3. Acting Classes in the San Francisco Bay Area
6. Character Work for Scripted Theater and Improvised Theater
7. Meisner Technique and Improv Acting
8. Giving gifts - improv acting acts of kindness
9. Group Mind in improv theater, or the Inspired Cannibals
10. Group scenes and improv theater games - how to improv
11. Helen Morgan - Pan Theater's #1 improv theater fan
12. How to Find Improv in Oakland in 3 Easy Steps
13. How to Get Good at Improv in Ten or Twenty Years
14. I like Ramen or inside the Improv Dojo
15. Improv
16. Improv Comedy or Improv Theater?
17. Improv Comedy Shows in Oakland a Night of Shows
18. Improv Guru David Razowsky at Pan Theater Interview Part II
20. Improv Guru/ Interview with David Razowsky Part III
21. Improv Guru/ Razowsky Interview Part IV
22. Improv Guru Razowsky Part V
23. Improv Theater Auditions Again
24. Improv Theater or making stuff up what it is short form and long form
25. Improv Theatre at Pan Theater
26. Learning about life in improv
28. More fun than typical San Francisco Comedy Clubs
29. Pan Theater Comedy Improv in the East Bay Express
30. Pan Theater improv actors and students in their own words
31. Pan Theater Play Fest Anything Can Happen
32. Pan's benefit Oakland show of the Vagina Monologues for V-Day 2012
33. Performance improv classes at Pan, my new class
34. Some Reasons People Do Improv
35. San Francisco Bay Area Improv shows since February of 2002
36. Summer auditions - improvising, listening and learning
37. Ten Ways to Get Better at Improv Acting
38. thank you Skip Evans from Pan Theater (Pick A Name Theater)
39. The mirror improv theatre game and Meisner Technique
41. Theater Games
42. Theater Games and Character Work at Pan
43. To be, or not to be - improv choices
44. Tonight's Town Comedy Improv Show
45. Elevate Your Oakland Improv Experience with Space Objects
46. We're not the Fox and We're not the Paramount - Oakland's Pan Theater
47. Words to Improv By or a Comedy Improv Primer
48. Zucchini the Oakland improv show
49. Kiss the Lizard
50. What's Talent and How Do I Get Some?
51. Making Sense of the Merkle
52. Comedy Mistakes and Opportunities
54. Teaching and Directing Improv