Pan Theater

Improv 201: the Experience

“Increased camaraderie with my troupe, fantastic way to build skills rapidly, the joy of seeing our group grow and develop until some amazing final shows. “

“Being comfort with silence and talking less, practice doing things out of your comfort zone (e.g., dancing or singing); learning to "read" other improvisors before acting.”


“Group mind, back to back sessions gives a fuller experience to learn the concept and practice improv, trust building between troop members

The benefits of this experiences is to go through the exercise with a consistent group. It is a test of endurance however you build trust with the whole group. You work on listening skills in that you have to be paying attention to what is happening and listening to names and sub text. In addition to all that you will have an enormous amount of fun and there will be plenty of laughs to boot.” 

“1.    Getting to know and work with people from the other troupes

2.    Thinking about longform (and the montage) as a whole structure

3.    Learning to give feedback”

“Practice, practice, practice! It is crucial to get so much time on your feet. Edits, brainstorming details with others (place, silent openings) and group-mindset.”

“Opportunity to get feedback from partner/player, chance to work on something specific, short turn around to see results.”

“- Build trust with the other fellow players. I could see the group learning how to play off each other and listen to each other. The group chemistry became so much better by the end of the workshop. That made it also more fun to perform with them.

- Build muscle memory through the repetition of the exercises. 

- Having everyone contribute ideas on the idea board. It was helpful to look at the board before the performance and train our muscles to think about possible scenarios.”

“1. Exposure to simple concepts 2. Exploration of said concepts in-depth. 3. Practice time and a performance opportunity to showcase what we learned”