(Katie, Jeff and Rachel Pan - 2011)
1) What was the obstacle that would have kept you from taking IFH?
My schedule
2) What did you find as a result of taking IFH?
Much more open thinking
3) What did you like most about IFH?
The people were fantastic. We had a great team of students
4) What benefits did you get out of taking IFH?
.Making new friends, getting more time in Oakland, More laughte
5) Would you recommend IFH? If so, why?
Yes, absolutely
I think the approach with the Meisner technique is very valuable
Sometimes it is hard to know whom to partner with, so maybe you could pair up the students occasionally.
6) About you:
Ravinder Sehgal, San Francisco, Professor at SF State University www.ravindersehgal.com