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Pan Theater




I am attending class on (next class is October 4th):

Why I am taking Improv Fun:

How many tickets do you need  (4 max):

FAQ About Troupe Membership:
What are the performance opportunities? 

-Monthly improv shows - both long form and short form

-Monthly Standup Comedy Shows
- Yearly Play Festivals
- Special projects


- Stage time
- Consistent practice group
- Ongoing learning and practice
- To join a supportive creative community
- Enjoy a fun and creative hobby
- Prepare for further theater/acting/improv opportunities

What is a troupe?


A troupe is a group of performers that work together on an ongoing basis to develop and further individual and group performing skills. Troupes members perform in Pan Theater improv shows such as: Imagination Unleashed and Dramedy and Comma.

What are the time requirements of a troupe?


Potential troupe members should be able to commit to between three to four rehearsals a month and additional time for scheduled performances. Rehearsals are two and half hours long and cover basic skills, long form technique and acting technique for improvisers.

Why would I join a troupe rather than taking a class?


Troupe members are interested in pursuing and practicing improvisational theater on an ongoing basis rather than for a set class. Troupe members have an interest in performing or working on their skills in a small group format. Troupes members have regular and ongoing performing opportunities. Or, more simply- you want to perform. You want to find your creative tribe.

Do I need to have improv training prior to auditioning?


No, beginners ready to learn are welcome to audition. During shows people are grouped based on their experience level. We usually have troupes of varying skill levels and often times give beginners with a sincere interest in doing the work a chance.

Do you accept people that have trained at places other than Pan Theater?


Yes. Current troupe members have trained at Improv Boston, Improv Asylum, Second City, Improv Olympics, BATs, and SFSU and UC Berekely Theater departments.

How long before I perform?


It depends on your skill level and how consistent you are with attending training. 

Most performers with experience perform within two to three months.

Why do you charge dues?


Dues support the our shows, advertising expenses, management and organizational costs and theater rental. 

Most professional improv theater charge dues of varying levels including: Groundlings, Second City and L.A. Connection.

Who are you guys?


We are a group of people with a sincere interest in theater- especially improvised theater. We practice both short form and long form improv. We focus our work on scene based improv and finding the relationship and moment shift. 

We use techniques from Close, Spolin, Johnstone and related acting techniques.

Is this fun?


Yes, most of our troupe members have been with Pan Theater for several years. Members have fun, improve their skills and are part of a supportive and growing artistic community. 

We often have post show events and members often meet outside of rehearsals to attend shows, see scripted work or hang out. 

Pan Theater provides a supportive place to practice, learn and perform theater.

What is the style of a rehearsal?


Rehearsals provide a safe and supportive environment for taking risks, improving your skills and learning new improv and acting techniques.  Each troupe director has their own style and focus based on their interest and prior training. 

We believe the arts are best practiced in a safe space the encourages risk taking, personal development and growth over time.

Do I have to be funny?


It helps, but no. The best humor comes from following the scene and supporting your partner. The connections that arrive through the improvisational process create the humor. 

Also, not all scenes will be "funny". A good improvised scene can be emotional and dramatic. The best shows have a mix of funny scenes and dramatic scenes.

What is the audition process?


You attend our Sunday Improv Dojo and go through the practice with current troupe members and those attending the Dojo. The session is two hours. After the Dojo is over those auditioning may stay to ask any followup questions. Based on the results of the audition, callback requests will be made or we will recommend you attend the Dojo for more experience before joining  a troupe.

If invited to a callback audition, you will attend either a live or online practice during the week. The weeknight  practices are two and half hours. 

I'm an experienced performer- why should I audition for your group?


You are looking for a place to perform, a community of performers and an opportunity to explore your skills with like minded people. 

Pan Theater provides opportunities for performing, directing, having plays read and produced.

I am a director or playwright- why should I audition for your group?


Long form work is especially useful for those interested in directing and writing. 

The work provides the opportunity to practice, learn and evolve your understanding of what makes a strong scene. 

Pan Theater also provides opportunities for directors and writers to direct and produce. All of our troupe directors started as members of our performing troupes.

Who are my teammates?


Teachers, therapists, music professionals, business people, writers, coaches, filmmakers, admins, students, retired folk, retail sales people, techies, playwrights, marketing folk and a few others.

What have alumni done after being in a troupe?

  • Pan alumni have gone on to start their own theaters and troupes both locally and around the country
  • Moved to LA  to pursue film work / directing opportunities
  • Move to Chicago to join the improv scene or NYC to pursue theater work
  • Applied successfully to MFA programs
  • Started auditioning successfully in the SF Bay Area for theater and film opportunities
  • Pursued standup and performance art
  • Become teachers and directors at Pan Theater or at other theaters. You can find Pan alumni directing, teaching or performing at every improv theater in the Bay Area.
  • Started working on making films locally
